Friday 20 September 2013

CHARGE and sentence if convicted

Below, is the Charge made against Lena Hendry which had been translated into English. The actual wordings of the said Charge in Bahasa Malaysia as contained in the charge sheet is also included.


That you on 03.07.2013 at about 9.00 pm at Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jalan Maharajalela, 50460 Kuala Lumpur, in the district of  Dang Wangi, in the Federal Territory of  Kuala Lumpur did screen a film entitled No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka which have not yet been approved by the Board and as such committed a crime under Section 6(1)(b) Film Censorship Act 2002 and can be sentenced in accordance to Section 6(2)(a) of the same Act


Any person who is convicted for an offence under this section shall be liable to a fine of not less than five thousand ringgit and not more than thirty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both


Bahawa kamu pada 03.07.2013 jam lebih kurang 9.00 malam di Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jalan Maharajalela, 50460 Kuala Lumpur, di dalam daerah Dang Wangi, di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur didapati menayangkan filem bertajuk No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka yang belum diluluskan Lembaga dan dengan demikian telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 6(1)(b) Akta Penapisan Filem 2002 dan boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 6(2)(a) akta yang sama


Seseorang yang disabitkan atas suatu kesalahan di bawah seksyen ini boleh didenda tidak kurang daripada lima ribu ringgit dan tidak lebih daripada tiga puluh ribu ringgit atau dipenjarakan selama tempuh tidak melebihi tiga tahun atau kedua-duanya.

To see the wordings FILM CENSORSHIP ACT 2002 - Section 6, 3 and 2

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